The Year 4 English curriculum will be a thrilling progression from the Year 3 English curriculum, so you may be thinking what the students will be studying next.
In the following guide, we have covered the main learning areas from the English Curriculum, the types of texts that the students will study and create, and the standards they will attain by the end of year 4 English tutoring.
Let’s get into it.
Year 4 English Curriculum
The three key components that Fourth Grade English will focus are as follows:
1. language
2. literature
3. literacy
These three parts are meant to help the students learn more, understand more, and get better at listening, reading, observing, speaking and writing.
Year 4 English will continue to expand on the ideas, abilities, and procedures established in Year 3, giving students more possibilities to improve their English abilities.
Let us now analyse their components:
1. Language
Language is the cornerstone of English studies for year 4 students; everything the students will learn in English will be built on language.
The fourth-grade English curriculum will continue to highlight the pronunciation and understanding of difficult and multisyllabic words like “straightaway” and “thoughtful,” as well as the importance of language in areas like conversation, connecting ideas, and for the intended audiences.
The students will be exposed to a wide range of texts, including poetry, visuals, and tales, and will see how various concepts are communicated via colour, description, and framing. This will enable students to study how various concepts might be conveyed or shown using language and pictures, and thereby develop their own thoughts.
The language component will show the importance of language in interaction, as well as how people connect with ideas and react to others. the students will be able to understand differences of opinion, as well as the ideas of their peers, and will appreciate these in group activities.
By the end of the year, the year 4 students will be able to perform the following:
1. Recognise how the structure and structuring of texts affects their complexity and intricacy.
2. Identify letter patterns in reading and writing
3. Understand how language is utilised for social interaction and the transmission of ideas.
4. When communicating, understand and appreciate the perspectives and judgements of others.
2. Literature
In Year 4, the student’s abilities will be further developed, notably via the investigation and analysis of literary topics.
The Year 4 text selection is meant to help students understand language by exposing them to texts like Aboriginal stories, picture books, simple chapter books, rhyming verse, poetry, non-fiction, film, multimodal texts, dramatic performances, and texts that students have used as models.
The students will read:
• Australian literature about people and places, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander oral storytelling traditions
• World literature, both classic and modern
By engaging with such a diverse selection of texts, the students will be able to react to and assess why different stories are important and how they are utilised in communication and interaction. Teachers at school will encourage students to read widely and appreciate the aspects of other writers’ writings, notably how other people’s viewpoints increase our knowledge of the world and other people.
Year 4 Students will be introduced to literature from diverse cultures and geographical areas, identifying parallels and differences that will help them create their own writing.
- Responding to texts
The students will next be asked to discuss their personal responses to these readings, especially how the plot and characters affect them.
Teachers will help students recognise similarities and differences between diverse personalities and their own experiences. This allows kids to understand many sorts of texts and appreciate the ones they favour.
The year 4 students will get the chance to hear from other students and share their own experiences, as well as their favourite stories and characters, through group discussions and role-playing possibly.
- The Application of Their Understanding
The students will be able to create their own stories as well. Teachers will continue to educate students through the power of narrative and the construction of structure in plot, setting, and characters by using skills gained by reading and discussing a range of texts.
With the aid of cultural stories, the students will be able to make graphic representations of their stories, ranging from local to worldwide tales. Among the creative texts will be role-playing, sketching, writing, and media representations.
By studying literature, the students will be exposed to a wide range of materials, from local tales to stories worldwide.
Create and share their own reactions to readings, as well as learn to understand and respect others’ responses to the same texts.
Use a variety of media to create their own story.
3. Literacy
Literacy, which focuses on developing critical answers, conversation, and creative writing abilities, is an important component of the fourth grade English curriculum. As year 4 students depict complicated sequences in short novels with strange happenings within the setting of familiar experiences, texts in the fourth grade English language arts curriculum will support and enhance their abilities as independent readers.
Students will explore persuasive and informative text examples and compare them to imaginative text samples in addition to language. They will also enhance their ability to recognise essential ideas, form inferences about characters, and predict events using linguistic strategies and visual cues.
Most importantly, the students will learn to identify the meaning in each of these texts and convey it to their friends verbally and in writing.
- Active Participation
The students will be able to read and deliver texts as well as written replies to his or her classmates. Structure and language development will assist your youngster in comprehending the process of decodable and predictable texts.
This will improve their articulation, fluency, and linguistics skills.
Overall, this will help year 4 students acquire confidence in reading, writing, and group discussions, enabling them to express themselves and contribute to their classmates’ comments.
- The Application of Their Understanding
If the students remember these aspects, they will have no trouble showcasing their own sentences at the end of the year. They will have significant understanding of text structure, linguistic forms and strategies, and multimodal texts (visual and written representations) in order to develop their own works.
Narratives, processes, performances, reviews, poems, and expositions will be included. They will sharpen their writing skills and enhance their grammar and punctuation as a result.
Finally, the students will be able to review their work in order to improve their writing skills.
Literacy will assist the students by allowing them to:
• read a range of opinion pieces and develop conclusions about their major concepts.
• Be able to forecast the outcomes of text structure processes.
• Create their own texts in order to share their views both verbally and in writing.
Year 4 English Learning Goals
The Year 4 English learning goals are Receptive (reading, hearing, and seeing) and Productive (speaking, writing, and making).
Here is an outline of where the students should be at the end of the year.
Receptive Modes:
By the conclusion of year 4, the students should be able to:
• Recognise that text structures vary depending on purpose and context;
• Explain how language elements, visuals, and terminology are employed to pique the interest of audiences.
• Explain the literal and metaphorical interpretations of topics linked in various texts.
• Read texts with a variety of sentence patterns and unusual terminology, including multisyllabic words, fluently.
• Express preferences for various text kinds and reply to other people’s viewpoints.
• Keep an ear out for and add discussion-worthy topics.
Productive Modes:
The students should be able to do the following by the end of year 4:
• Use language features to add coherence and detail to texts;
• Understand how to express an opinion based on information in a text; and
• Write texts that show you know how to use pictures and details to explain main ideas.
• Write structured texts to explain concepts to diverse audiences;
• Give presentations and actively engage in class and group debates, using varied language depending on the situation;
• Give presentations and actively participate in class and group discussions, using different languages depending on the situation.